In response to reporting that Republican Sheriff’s candidate T.K. Waters is registered to vote at an address he doesn’t live, Duval County Democratic Party Chair Daniel Henry released the following statement:
JACKSONVILLE, FL — “Here we go again. Duval County residents deserve a Sheriff who can follow the law they are sworn to enforce. After former Sheriff Mike Williams entangled himself in residency issues, his endorsed protege, Republican candidate T.K. Waters, seems determined to follow in his footsteps.
“This shocking development, 5-days before Election Day, deserves concrete answers from Waters to voters. We demand he provide a detailed accounting to authorities of where he has lived in Duval County for the required 183 consecutive days, prior to candidate qualifying, and answer why he is not registered at his alleged northside home, in accordance with Florida law.
“While we all await his response, voters have clear choices in the race for Sheriff: lawlessness with T.K. Waters or law & order with one of our well-qualified Democratic candidates. It’s time we bring trust back to the Office of Duval County Sheriff.”