Safety, Justice, & Civil Rights

Democrats have a long and proud history of defending civil rights and expanding opportunity for all. We understand that institutionalized discrimination against protected classes deprives them of the opportunity to participate fully in the economic, cultural, political, religious, and social facets of our community. We stand against discrimination in regards to age, race, gender identity, sexual orientation, ethnicity, national origin, or any other demographic, in any form.


To fight for all people to live with dignity and equality, Duval Democrats will:

  • Recognize the shared history and active reconciliation of wrongs, past and present;
  • Support policies that ensure equal opportunities to everyone, regardless of age, race, gender identity, sexual orientation, ethnicity, national origin, or any other demographic;
  • Advocate for the inclusion of minority voices in decision-making processes;
  • Support strong enforcement of hate crimes statutes surrounding gender, race, religion, national origin, and other demographic-based crimes;
  • Advocate for a society that promotes and respects people for their differences and embraces diversity as a strength;
  • Support programs that actively include immigrants and refugees in our community and ensure they have the resources to live their best lives in this city, state, and country.