In an effort to streamline the excused absence process, Precinct Committee People (“PCP”) will now be able to electronically request excused absences for DEC General Meetings. Article 1, Section 3.5 of the DCDEC Bylaws states that “an office shall be deemed vacant when a member accumulates three (3) unexcused absences in any (1) calendar year”. When a PCP misses (3) DEC General Meetings, their membership will go into inactive status — with the DCDEC holding the right to declare the PCP’s seat vacant, in accordance with the bylaws.
In order to avoid this, please ensure you fill out the form below when you plan on missing a DEC meeting.
If you’re unable to attend a General Meeting, but want to send someone in your place, you can! Based on the type of DEC Member you have, here are the rules you need to know to submit a valid proxy. Remember, a proxy holder can only hold one proxy at a time!
To get a copy of your proxy, use the link below to access an electronic copy. Once you’ve filled it out, send it to our DEC Chair and/or Credentials Chair at