Duval County voters will go to the polls to vote in national races on November 5th.
November 5th Election: All registered Democrats will be able to vote in the following races: U.S. President, U.S. Senate, U.S. House of Representatives, Florida Senate, Florida House of Representatives, School Board, County Court, and State Constitutional Amendments.
We oppose the retention of Joe Boatwright, Eric Eisnaugle, Harvey Jay, Paige Kilbane, John MacIver, Jordan Pratt, and Adrian G. Soud
We oppose the retention of Justice Renatha Francis to the Florida Supreme Court
We oppose the retention of Justice Meredith Sasso to the Florida Supreme Court
Ask voters to make school board elections partisan, with primary elections
Asks Florida voters to establish a constitutional right to abortion before viability
Asks Florida voters to establish a constitutional right to hunt and fish
Asks Florida voters to provide for an annual inflation adjustment for the value of the homestead property tax exemption
Asks Florida voters to establish a constitutional right to legal marijuana
Asks Florida voters to repeal public campaign financing for state-wide candidates